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Innovation, diffusion and adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility in health organizations

Zanfrillo, Alicia Inés ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3638-2672; Artola, María Antonia ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0662-7042 y Tabone, Luciana. (2019). Innovation, diffusion and adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility in health organizations. Comunicación presentada en 30 European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019), Dublin [IRL], June 23-26.

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The evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from the reactive to the proactive approach is based on both external and internal factors where pressure from stakeholders plays a decisive role. The positive relationship between stakeholders participation and performance improvement fosters responsible behaviors to develop positive reputation, trust and community support. In developing countries the pressure exerted by stakeholders in the adoption of an environmental conscience is low with few participation strategies. The purpose of the work is to model the interactions of civil society organizations linked to health services in the city of Mar del Plata (Argentine Republic) in 2018 in order to recognize the effect of the recommendations of the regulatory bodies and the "mouth-to-mouth" in the diffusion of CSR as an organizational innovation. Quantitative research with an agent-based approach was adopted from Bass's mathematical formulation. The influence of the entities that provide information on CSR was simulated considering: a) potential market of entities with digital presence and b) all the entities of the supply chain. The evaluation of the scenarios shows that the structure of the network is significant in the diffusion process, requiring greater attention to the information strategies on the subgroups of entities to achieve the imitation effect.

Tipo de documento: Documento de Conferencia (Paper)
Conferencia: 30 European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019)
Inst. patrocinadora: Association of European Operational Research Societies
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Estado: Publicado
  • Aceptado: Junio 2019
Palabras Clave: Responsabilidad Social, Innovación Organizacional, Servicios de Salud
Filiación: Facultad de Cs. Económicas y Sociales > Centro de Inv. Económicas y Sociales > Grupo Tercer Sector
Google Scholar: Ver citas en Google Académico Ver citaciones
URI: http://nulan.mdp.edu.ar/id/eprint/3156
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Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata :: Mar del Plata, Argentina

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