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Determinants of silent and explicit industrial design

Graña, Fernando Manuel ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5518-7771; Benavides-Espinosa, María del Mar y Roig Dobón, Salvador. (2018). Determinants of silent and explicit industrial design. Journal of Business Research, 88, 314-320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.028

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This paper investigates the relationship between the use of silent or explicit design (SD or ED) and the characteristics of firms or sectors that use each of these types of design in Argentina. The findings show that SD differs from ED and that the differences have important implications for the creation of policies to support competitiveness as well as for the development of business strategies. The study contributes to the literature by identifying three groups of dimensions. (1) Structural. Neither size nor barriers to the use of design bear relation to the use of design. (2) Dynamic. SD and ED have different effects on competitiveness based on the different links each type of design has with knowledge (particularly absorptive capacity and knowledge of new technology). (3) Technological intensity. Sectors with low technological intensity are identified as high-design intensity sectors, linked to the use of new technologies coming from others sectors.

Tipo de documento: Artículo
Publicación: Journal of Business Research
ISSN: 0148-2963
Editorial: Elsevier
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Estado: Publicado
  • Publicado: Julio 2018
  • Publicado (en línea): 6 Diciembre 2017
  • Aceptado: 24 Noviembre 2017
  • Enviado: 19 Junio 2017
Palabras Clave: Diseño Industrial, Empresas Industriales, Innovación, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas
Filiación: Facultad de Cs. Económicas y Sociales > Centro de Inv. Económicas y Sociales > Grupo Análisis Industrial
Google Scholar: Ver citas en Google Académico Ver citaciones
URI: http://nulan.mdp.edu.ar/id/eprint/2821
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Centro de Documentación :: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata :: Mar del Plata, Argentina

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